Thursday, January 8, 2009


My ex-bf of one year and two month elder sister died of blood cancer. I found out today from one of my friend. She told me that hes going to her church. She passed away on May 2008. I know her and I hung out with her before. I cannot remember what we did but she was nice and always sweet to me. I saw her as a sister. I always wanted a sister. She was someone I looked up to when I was still with my last bf. She was only 26 when she passed away. She got a transplant but unfortunately, after a month, it didnt work out for her. She passed away.

When I heard about it, I was like "NO WAY!!, she only 27" but reality is reality. My heart felt sour and my eyes were crazily watery. I wanted to cry but it didnt hit me that hard yet until I got home and started thinking whether I should email him to give him my best regards. In the end I did. After my email to him, my friend called me to give me a link about her cancer. I read it and started crying so badly. My friend soon sent me another link of what my ex sister wrote. That got me crying more and harder. I know where she works and every time when I drive by her work place, I always thought about her. She was always in my mind. I truly saw her as a sister.

AFter talking to my friend about this matter, I stopped crying. They comforted me that she is in a better place. I was like WAIT A MINUTE. Why am I this sad. I was really sad. I was sad that how can such a bright person with such a wonderful heart pass away with a chance to live but that chance of transplant was just a lie. Thats hurtful. I soon stopped crying. But almost an hour and a half, I started thinking about it again and I cried again.

I am so sad how life can be so easy...How can she have such a rare disease that maybe 1 person out of 1000 people may have it. If I knew about this earlier, I would love to visit her and get my blood tested and campaign her situation to all Asian students for help.

I dont really know why I am so sad after so many years since we broke up. I wish him and his family the best. It breaks my heart to know that she had a chance but that chance was just a joke. Please Rest in peace.

I treasure everything I have. AT least I try my very best. It makes me sad to know that some people out there still dont understand how to treasure their loving ones. Please, life is short, treasure all you have now.

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